Polishing Leaves Practical Life for Preschoolers

Wanted to share my youngest, who’s in preschool, accomplishing some great practical life work: caring for our environment by polishing plant leaves. He was concentrating so avidly; this is clearly a great work for developing attention to detail and fine motor.

I set up the tray (green for our plants) with a little pitcher to pour water into our strawberry dish as well as some q-tips and cotton to tear apart.

Be sure to demonstrate supporting the leaves with your alternate hand while working. I love how sweetly he is managing this.

Tearing cotton balls.

Sister checks into see how it’s going. I could watch this work go on for quite a while. Since it’s a succulent it doesn’t quiet get shiny as say our Pothos plant, but they definitely look much better dust free and show a pretty green color under the layer of grime.

Nice work, Mikey!

One comment
  1. Great job Mikey!
    Learning gentleness at a young age will serve him well. Thanks for sharing. This might be great for Little Misses fine motor control.

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