Week in Review 19: The One With [Maria’s] Birthday

All Summer long we worked on reading. Lots of reading — I read tons about systematically teaching reading. The kids practiced phonics. We’ve been making such good progress. I believe when we started last school year Josie was stuck at the end of the red drawers, maybe beginning orange, and Mary was around green. Pic…

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Harry Potter Slapjack Printable FREEBIE

Every October we do a Harry Potter homeschooling week for my Harry Potter crazed kiddos. I’m super fortunate to be participating in a Wizarding swap group right now: potions, charms, and other fun all DIY and delivered through the mail. I am so excited about this slapjack game; I’m posting it free here for you…

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Week In Review: Vol 18

Josie recently was flown out to California (we live in Florida! So whoa!) to participate in a medical study for her genetic syndrome (22q Deletion / Digeorge). She had quite the adventure. We equipped her with a camera and got some really great pictures like the Golden Gate Bridge: She sent me so many pictures…

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Overdue Weeks in Review Vol. Meh

I know I skipped over a couple week-in-review posts. In my absence, I have blissfully read books for pleasure and binge-watched all of The Handmaid’s Tale. Also my sister got married, I was a matron of honor planning and assisting many-a-thing, and the kids were flower girls, and… little handfuls. In the upcoming week, we…

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Homeschool Week in Review: Vol 16

We logged a lot of hours homeschooling this week. We normally take December completely off for a breather. However November had a lot of off days, so I decided to homeschool on. The beauty of homeschooling is you can take a break when you need to and come back to it when you’re ready to…

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Homeschool Week in Review Vol 15

Round these parts we’ve been frantically baby proofing for the newly mobile six-month-old. There’s never, ever enough hours in a day. We typically take a break from homeschooling in December, but with so many unintentional breaks in November, I thought it’d be best if we just power onward with tons of review. I have every…

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Stages Learning Materials

If you are looking for high-quality language cards, here is a great resource — Stages Learning Materials asked me to review some of their Language builder sets. We have been using these cards in all sorts of homeschool activities lately; they are an excellent addition to our science and language work. The cards are great quality,…

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Homeschool Week in Review: Vol 12

What happened this week? It’s always a blur; I need to rely on my phone pics, but it’s somewhat challenging to take good photos with a three-month-old. Nevertheless…  I persisted in snagging a few. Math We did mostly math on Monday and Tuesday. Everyone did bead chains. Then we were burnt out on math and…

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Animal Classification Cards *freebie*

I recently had a lighting bolt of an idea: I made animal classification boxes (a la Montessori continent boxes). I wanted something my kids could touch and sort through to understand what made each animal class distinct. I needed some type of control to explain the key points. After looking all over, I couldn’t find…

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