Montessori Homeschooling Insider Series with Bree

Hey, hey it’s my birthday today. I have a gift for you — another installment in our Montessori Homeschooling series! Today I am so excited to share Bree’s Montessori space and story with you all. Bree (from Kindling Kids Montessori) DIYs are brilliant: a Perler bead pegboard, glittery checkerboard math, and a grammar analysis flowchart…

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Week in Review 19: The One With [Maria’s] Birthday

All Summer long we worked on reading. Lots of reading — I read tons about systematically teaching reading. The kids practiced phonics. We’ve been making such good progress. I believe when we started last school year Josie was stuck at the end of the red drawers, maybe beginning orange, and Mary was around green. Pic…

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Week In Review: Vol 18

Josie recently was flown out to California (we live in Florida! So whoa!) to participate in a medical study for her genetic syndrome (22q Deletion / Digeorge). She had quite the adventure. We equipped her with a camera and got some really great pictures like the Golden Gate Bridge: She sent me so many pictures…

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Week in Review Vol 9: Language

Lots of review this week. We tried some creative reading and handwriting ideas, and for grammar, we used Goldilocks felt pieces to introduce the adverb. But before we get to that… Pencil sharpening is practical life work, but I thought I’d sneak it in our Language post since it deals with writing. I found little…

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Our Montessori Homeschooling Week: Vol 8

Where to even begin with this busy week?  Goodbye April –> Hello May! April 29th – May 5th On Sunday both our girls made their first holy communions. *swoon* Misc Fun:  Yesterday, we took a beach trip and had a visit with good friends in Pensacola. There was a Crawfish Festival going on, and we spent…

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Our Montessori Homeschooling Week: Vol 7

Alright, alright, alright… let’s get right down to business. In exciting family news, the girls make their first holy communion tomorrow, the kids’ violin recital is in a week, my sister got ENGAGED today (I hope I’m allowed to proclaim that Megs because we are EXCITED), and as always we continue truckin’ along with school….

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Montessori Homeschooling Week in Review: Vol 5

Wow another week blew by so quickly! Somehow I am already in my 34th week of pregnancy and not feeling like working so much, yet we homeschool on. Tonight we are attending a special needs fundraising gala-type-thing, and I’m wearing comfy flats, my maternity dress from Easter #sorrynotsorry and telling baby to scootch over and…

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The Grammar Garden an Invitation to Learn

“The secret of good teaching is to regard the child’s intelligence as a fertile field in which seeds may be sown, to grow under the heat of flaming imagination.” –Maria Montessori from To Educate the Human Potential These words came to mind when I realized a change was in order for our Montessori grammar work. We…

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