Homeschooling Week in Review: Vol 2

Happy weekend friends! Our week was full of doctor appointments, therapies and other shenanigans. Somehow we managed to almost complete our weekly to-do list. Sensorial:  I had great ambitions this week for completing our constructive triangle work and adding some tasting bottles to the shelf, but we just ran out of time for those this…

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Tour of Our Evolving Homeschool Classroom

So I was sharing some pictures of our homeschooling classroom (our sunporch), and I figured after spending so much time flipping through albums trying to find them, I really ought to share some in one post.   Our space is constantly evolving with materials and as my kids age and their needs change. But every…

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Don’t Stop Me Now: Grammar Symbols

Cause I’m having a good time…  Oh man I love me some Montessori materials. EVEN when they’re a little wonky. I ordered a set of grammar symbols off of Amazon (I know but Prime). Not only did they not arrive in two days (gasp), but they arrived damaged. You can’t really tell because it’s just…

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Montessori Parts of Speech: Grammar Stamps

A couple months back, I scored a free (with postage) set of grammar stamps from one of the Montessori resell groups. The stamps had apparently seen a lot of use love over the years. I think they normally retail around $30 new from Alison’s, but I can’t resist a good bargain. Actually, a lot of people…

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