Montessori Homeschooling Insider Series with Bree

Hey, hey it’s my birthday today. I have a gift for you — another installment in our Montessori Homeschooling series! Today I am so excited to share Bree’s Montessori space and story with you all. Bree (from Kindling Kids Montessori) DIYs are brilliant: a Perler bead pegboard, glittery checkerboard math, and a grammar analysis flowchart…

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Our Kid-friendly Fridge

When our ancient fridge (talking the 1980s) recently died, we got a beautiful stainless steel upgrade that features an easy-access drawer in the center. Inside there are three refrigerated compartments were I keep the kids’ breakfast / anytime snacks, lunches and after school snacks (treats). The kids are free to prepare their own breakfasts whenever…

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Homeschool Week in Review: Vol 12

What happened this week? It’s always a blur; I need to rely on my phone pics, but it’s somewhat challenging to take good photos with a three-month-old. Nevertheless…  I persisted in snagging a few. Math We did mostly math on Monday and Tuesday. Everyone did bead chains. Then we were burnt out on math and…

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We Baked a Cake for Maria Montessori

What is practical life? Practical life work means practicing everyday life skills. This week we honed our baking skills. Baking with kids can be a lot of fun. They are so much more capable than we think. They pulled off this cake to celebrate Maria Montessori’s birthday with almost no help from me whatsoever. I…

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