Montessori Homeschooling Week in Review: Vol 6

Each week I look back trying to remember what we did over the past 5-6 days, and I draw a blank. I can remember that my oldest had a biopsy done to see if her “ringworm” she’s had for several years is actually psoriasis. I recall getting new eyeglasses, and I know we had a…

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Montessori Homeschooling Week in Review: Vol 5

Wow another week blew by so quickly! Somehow I am already in my 34th week of pregnancy and not feeling like working so much, yet we homeschool on. Tonight we are attending a special needs fundraising gala-type-thing, and I’m wearing comfy flats, my maternity dress from Easter #sorrynotsorry and telling baby to scootch over and…

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Monday Math Work: Dramatic Shopping Game for Addition Practice

In order to strengthen our math skills (and because dramatic play is fun), we played a shopping game! We used this fantastic resource from Teachers Pay Teachers. Alternatively, this addition game could be played with real props (cart, play food, register, the works), but for the sake of space this is just fine. Game Play …

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