New in Town

Well hey there you hot, young thing.

I’m talking to my blog. It’s new, you see. 

After being asked many times over the past year if I blog, where I can be followed, and also annoying my FB friends to death with pictures of my children doing Montessori school work — sorry y’all — I’ve decided to start a blog (again but who’s keeping score).

Cosmic Montessori Home School — but that’s too long for a blog title, so I omitted the home; it’s meant to be implied.

Cosmic is used in Montessori to imply a phenomenal interconnection to the world around us — that we each relate to one another, that we matter in the big picture, that we must do our parts to improve the world. That’s a really big work. That’s our life’s work. It’s the reason behind why we learn math, reading, science — the cosmic big picture.

For certain, I have a girl crush on Maria Montessori in the most platonic, fangirl kind of way. The woman was a genius and a marvel, blazing trails, raising up the forgotten little ones of the slums and orphanages in Rome. In Montessori education practical life work is important, like caring for your environment, remembering grace and courtesy. Everything for the primary student (ages 3-6) is super hands on and tangible. You can solve the binomial cube in a concrete way before you learn why the theorem is used. I believe in Montessori education with all my heart, mostly because I have a special needs daughter it fits perfectly. Children should learn at their own paces, and above all else, education should inspire passion in our lives — not precluding the very youngest of us (or the oldest).

Anyway, here in this virtual space are my thoughts, my self-taught journey into the world of homeschooling, and assuredly a photo dump or two. Thanks for visiting. Leave your blog in the comments if you have one, and I’ll be sure to visit and see what I can learn from you! 


p.s. This post is dedicated to my sister, Megan, who's a John Mulaney fan too.