MiniLuk for Homeschooling on the Road

This is a product review of the MiniLuk offered by Timberdoodle. We love Timberdoodle and rave about them so much that sometimes we get products for cheap or free to review. All opinions are my own — and this one is one worth checking out if you’ve not seen the MiniLuk before.

We spend a lot of time in the car driving the 4 hours back and forth from our nearest children’s hospital for Josie’s doctor appointments. I’m not sure how many specialties we see at this point, but it’s over a dozen, and more than enough for my brain to keep up with. We actually had a cardiology appointment scheduled for today, but our car is having some engine failure (boo), so it’s getting it’s own check-up instead at the moment.

While my favorite place to homeschool is surrounded by all our Montessori materials in the comfort of our cozy home, being on the road so often means adventuring into other fun methods of learning. We are grateful for the Timberdoodle homeschooling curriculum; it’s generally easy to pack up and bring along for the ride, and I love knowing my kids are using hands-on educational materials while we school on the go.

One product we’ve packed a few times now is the MiniLuk. I first heard about it through another wonderful Montessori homeschooling blogger: The Pinay Homeschooler. Ever since I read her rave review last year, I’d been considering trying it out ourselves. When I saw it offered by Timberdoodle, I knew it was going to be a hit.

Essentially this activity consists of a set of booklets, tiles and tray. The interchangeable booklets (ranging in difficulty and subject) contain picture puzzles that are solved by placing tiles in the corresponding answers blanks. The tiles also function as an answer key by fitting neatly into the clear portion of the tray as the puzzles are solved. What’s fun is if your answers are correct, as you flip them over to view through the other side, you’ll find you’ve made a pattern. What’s exceptionally nice about MiniLuk, aside from being slim and easily totable, is that this work is completely self-checking. Miniluk challenges your spatial abilities in a brilliant, hands-on way — plus there’s a great assortment of activities — just change out the book as needed; your little ones never need-be bored.

Hurray! No more “Are we there yet?” 

We absolutely love the MiniLuk and are so glad that Timberdoodle offers it as part of their curriculum. Go check it out for yourself!