Homeschool Week in Review: Vol 12

What happened this week? It’s always a blur; I need to rely on my phone pics, but it’s somewhat challenging to take good photos with a three-month-old. Nevertheless…  I persisted in snagging a few. Math We did mostly math on Monday and Tuesday. Everyone did bead chains. Then we were burnt out on math and…

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Animal Classification Cards *freebie*

I recently had a lighting bolt of an idea: I made animal classification boxes (a la Montessori continent boxes). I wanted something my kids could touch and sort through to understand what made each animal class distinct. I needed some type of control to explain the key points. After looking all over, I couldn’t find…

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Homeschool Week in Review: Vol 11

Here’s our weekly wrap up in photos. Oy, I’m still trying to figure out the easiest way to organize this series! Grandma was in town this week for Josie’s 10th (WHOA) birthday. No uniforms worn as I’ve been behind in laundry. 🙂  Language:  The girls got their first library cards! They selected some beginner chapter…

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Week in Review: vol 10

Second week of homeschooling is in the books. I’m not sure how that happened so fast. We’ve been focusing on our Great Lessons work (we are doing one per week the first five weeks, you can read more about them here). I figure our first five weeks back are kinda a jumpstart and transition period after…

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Our Montessori Homeschooling Week: Vol 8

Where to even begin with this busy week?  Goodbye April –> Hello May! April 29th – May 5th On Sunday both our girls made their first holy communions. *swoon* Misc Fun:  Yesterday, we took a beach trip and had a visit with good friends in Pensacola. There was a Crawfish Festival going on, and we spent…

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Montessori Homeschooling Week in Review: Vol 5

Wow another week blew by so quickly! Somehow I am already in my 34th week of pregnancy and not feeling like working so much, yet we homeschool on. Tonight we are attending a special needs fundraising gala-type-thing, and I’m wearing comfy flats, my maternity dress from Easter #sorrynotsorry and telling baby to scootch over and…

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Montessori Homeschooling Week in Review: Vol 3

Week three of our new series brings us to Holy Week and the Paschal Triduum. We stayed busy as always with our usual Montessori workload. I’m currently reading Montessori Today: A Comprehensive Approach to Education from Birth to Adulthood by Paula Polk Lillard. This book is a great overview of the whole Montessori pedagogy, and I’ve…

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Supermoon Lunar Eclipse

Did you know that Wednesday morning’s lunar eclipse was the first blue moon total lunar eclipse in the U.S. since March 1866? That’s around when the Civil War ended! To mark the occasion, we decided to wake up super early on my hubby’s birthday and go out on the boat. It was a frigid 32…

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Color Tablets Nature Matching

I wanted to do a quick throwback Thursday post today. So many activities that we do get shared on Instagram but never make it to the blog. But these photos are too pretty not to show again. As an easy extension to the color tablets box 3 (arguably the most exciting of the color tablet…

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