Homeschool Week in Review Vol 15

Round these parts we’ve been frantically baby proofing for the newly mobile six-month-old. There’s never, ever enough hours in a day. We typically take a break from homeschooling in December, but with so many unintentional breaks in November, I thought it’d be best if we just power onward with tons of review. I have every…

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Salt Dough Advent Spiral

After seeing a lot of beautiful seasonal traditions on Instagram, I decided I wanted to try making a spiral with my kids this year. This activity leans more Waldorf-y than Montessori, but an Advent spiral can be a beautiful, hands-on and concrete manner of marking the days until Christmas. We made a simple salt dough,…

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Advent Traditions

Heads up: there are a couple Amazon Influencer affiliate links (at no cost to you) for our Christmas book list in this post. 🙂  Tis the season to get ready for the reason for the season. My kids are really into tongue twisters right now; I should give them that to say 10 times fast….

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