Homeschooling Week in Review: Vol 2

Happy weekend friends! Our week was full of doctor appointments, therapies and other shenanigans. Somehow we managed to almost complete our weekly to-do list. Sensorial:  I had great ambitions this week for completing our constructive triangle work and adding some tasting bottles to the shelf, but we just ran out of time for those this…

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Great Lessons Montessori Co-Op

We started a small Montessori Great Lessons co-op with friends this school year. In a Montessori elementary classroom, these are presented to the group as a jumping off place for all kinds of science explorations. Because the lower elementary plane is based on cooperative work, it’s great to be able to share our lessons together! Here’s…

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October Science Shelves

Here’s a quick peek at our science shelves for October. We’re still covering the first Great Lesson, and this is largely a space unit: Solar system, cosmic address, stars and constellations, phases of the moon and the seasons.

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