Clock of Eras & Geological Time Scale Puzzles

In science we are currently talking about the timeline of life and all that goes along with the second great lesson. In the past we’ve used the traditional Montessori Clock of Eras in printed form. I struggle with it though because technically some of the “eras” are really “eons” now. I want our science work…

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Gameschooling: Chroma Cube Logic Game

Right now, I know a lot of people are on the hunt for educational products that double as fun gifts. Timberdoodle has given us the hook up on a few fun logic games in exchange for our thoughts on playing with them. Look for more reviews over the next month. First on our list is…

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Homeschool Week in Review: Vol 16

We logged a lot of hours homeschooling this week. We normally take December completely off for a breather. However November had a lot of off days, so I decided to homeschool on. The beauty of homeschooling is you can take a break when you need to and come back to it when you’re ready to…

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