Homeschool Week in Review: Vol 16

We logged a lot of hours homeschooling this week. We normally take December completely off for a breather. However November had a lot of off days, so I decided to homeschool on. The beauty of homeschooling is you can take a break when you need to and come back to it when you’re ready to…

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Homeschool Week in Review: Vol 11

Here’s our weekly wrap up in photos. Oy, I’m still trying to figure out the easiest way to organize this series! Grandma was in town this week for Josie’s 10th (WHOA) birthday. No uniforms worn as I’ve been behind in laundry. 🙂  Language:  The girls got their first library cards! They selected some beginner chapter…

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We Baked a Cake for Maria Montessori

What is practical life? Practical life work means practicing everyday life skills. This week we honed our baking skills. Baking with kids can be a lot of fun. They are so much more capable than we think. They pulled off this cake to celebrate Maria Montessori’s birthday with almost no help from me whatsoever. I…

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