October Science Shelves

Here’s a quick peek at our science shelves for October. We’re still covering the first Great Lesson, and this is largely a space unit: Solar system, cosmic address, stars and constellations, phases of the moon and the seasons.

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Solar System Stackers Review: SensoryPlay

Oh, I am over the moon (and sun, and Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune) for my sweet, little solar system stackers by SensoryPlay on Etsy. About a month ago, I saw a for sale post in the Montessori Materials for Sale group on Facebook for a lovely, wooden sun stacker. With our upcoming…

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First Great Lesson Experiments

I’ve been prepping for the Great Lessons for a while. The Great Lessons are five stories told over the year ( and repeated yearly) meant to inspire the child to take on their academic work — to inspire a purpose for it all.  To me these lessons mark the transition from primary to lower elementary work. All…

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